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» Control Valves
Control Valves

The control valve plays a very important role in the automatic control of modern plants, which depend on the correct distribution and control of flowing liquids or gases.
Such control consist in the exchange of energy, reduction of pressure, or simply to fill a tank and depends on some form of final control element to do the job: they furnish the necessary power amplification between the low energy levels in controllers and the higher energy levels needed to perform their function in controlling flowing fluids.

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Bellino Srl
S.P. Bari-Modugno km 1,5
70026 MODUGNO (Bari) - ITALY
P.I./C.F. 03593370723
Reg. Impr. 03593370723
R.E.A. Ba268930
Cap. soc.€101.490,00 i.v.
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