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» Drilling » Friction welded drill pipes
Friction welded drill pipes

Our friction welded drill pipes, are made of carbon steel and they meet the needs and our customers’expectations in terms of price/performance ratio.
They may be manufactured of carbon steel, grade S 135 as required by API 5DP standard, providing and excellent and selected quality. Also available made with steel N80 with mechanical properties as per API 5CT standard.

The threaded tool-joints can be obtained starting either from bars, either from forged parts. Surface treatements can be thermichemical or phosphatizing according to different needs.

Company Control Valves Power Generation Special Processes Contacts

Mod. Friction welded drill pipes
Mod. Friction welded drill pipes with up-set Mod. Augers Mod. Casings Mod. Subs Mod. Shock Absorber

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Bellino Srl
S.P. Bari-Modugno km 1,5
70026 MODUGNO (Bari) - ITALY
P.I./C.F. 03593370723
Reg. Impr. 03593370723
R.E.A. Ba268930
Cap. soc.€101.490,00 i.v.
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